According to the Oxford Dictionary,Domestic Violence is defined as a “violent or aggressive
behavior within the home,typically involving the violent abuse of a spouse or partner”. It is the persistent and intentional abuse of anyone in the home in a way that causes pain, distress or injury.
Without been biased violence/abuse is not peculiar to females only but also to males too. Anyone can be abused domestically, but then, we are focusing on women generally-“the most abused
Domestic violence/abuse generally occurs where a person is subjected to an act of force in the home. This act can inflict physical pain on the recipient, it can also cause Psychological pain on the recipient, it can as well cause emotional pain on the recipient.
Sadly, in Nigeria and all over the world, women and girls are particularly subjected to multiple
forms of violence and domestic abuse in homes.
Remember the now demised -OsinachiNwachukwu?
Every year, millions of people all over the world are victims of domestic violence. Domestic violence can take many forms, including emotional, sexual and physical abuse, threats of abuse etc. Abuse by a partner can happen to anyone!
And yet, even though so many people are familiar with domestic violence, but a few do anything about it, even when they’re the victims themselves.
Most times, I wonder, why resort to DV (Domestic Violence) when there are other reasonable and healthy measures that can be taken? Why must you engage in DV? No reasons can justify such acts! Absolutely, no reason!
What must then be done?
Join our clamor as we campaign against domestic violence, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Domestic violence must end.
Yes, Enough Is Enough!
You deserve every good thing, request for it and not the other way round.
You are not a subject of violence. You don’t deserve such a awful treat.
You are a royal priesthood!
Why would you be humiliated and no one is saying anything about it.
Do you care? If at the end you get traumatized?
How do you deal with it?
How do you regain my dignity? This is scar that can’t be totally amended for life.
You desire the Good Life!
We stand against Domestic Violence!!!
If you want to join and speak up about ending domestic violence, please, let’s come together to make this intervention program a reality!
Beyond speaking and writing, let’s take actions too.
“Don’t die in silence! Speak up now! Stand for the truth and say NO to Domestic Violence”
Enough is Enough!!!
I was once a victim of sex when I was very little and I really wish to be part of people fighting for it..
Sure you can!